Tuesday, July 16, 2019

FT East Cobb's July Client of the Month

Andy G. - July's Client of the Month!
(Before and After)
     Andy has absolutely earned the title of Client of the Month. He has had amazing results so far with a clean diet and his consistency at FT! When asked how Fitness Together has helped him most, he says, "FT has been a great place to work out and develop an understanding of a healthy lifestyle combining diet, stretching, exercise weights and cardio to be integrated into life not stuck on when time permits. The trainers have been very helpful and patient over the past 10 years! The one thing they have helped with the most is providing a super environment where they are supportive, patient and challenging without being "judgey"! When I decided to turn it on and commit to this recent set of fitness goals they were my big part of my support system pushing me to stay committed and challenging me with a set of workouts that balanced my goals around strength and flexibility. I was also inspired by seeing several of my FT  friends achieve dramatic results and becoming role models for others. "
    We asked Andy "How do you think you have most improved since working with Fitness Together?"
"The biggest change has been integrating fitness as part of my daily life not just something to do when time permits. In the last 6 months since Christmas I have lost nearly 40 pounds by adding a strong daily cardio regime and committing to a clean healthy diet.

   When Andy isn't at FT, he is golfing, fishing, hanging out at the beach with his wife, Kathy, and dog, Jasper, and watching one of his favorite shows, Diners, Drive Ins, and Dives! 
     When it comes to his goals there are a few things he wants to continue working on while at FT. 
"Over the near term I am committing to staying the course to get down to my goal weight ( 20 lbs. to go)  while adding additional muscle and flexibility.
Long term my goal is to travel more, continue working out, learning how to cook foods in a healthy way ( I have no problem eating them) and expanding my workouts to include things like Yoga and Boxing after I retire."
    Thank you Andy for trusting us to help you on your journey! Keep asking questions and keep up the amazing work you have obviously put in! 

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

July Hotel Workout - Mobility Flow

Check out July's Hotel Workout. It's a mobility focused routine to help get you moving better. It will get your whole body engaged. These moves are great for alleviating back and joint pain and improving your functional flexibility.